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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_EE9BD28F_FEA4_3C84_41B8_91AC640F38BA.toolTip = To Equipment Shed
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HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_D159B62C_C707_A399_41E0_D98608C40C9E.toolTip = To Paul Bunyan Statue
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### Popup Image
### Subtitle
panorama_94CF5C03_9BC6_CA75_41DB_B0507AE37E83.subtitle = Camps tried to get the best cook they could. Good food meant good workers doing good work. Cooks needed to plan ahead to buy everythihg they needed for trhe entire winter ahead of time.
panorama_D4EA94D4_D49A_FF22_41C0_33A9C8692BB0.subtitle = Each camp had it's own setup, but they usually included a number of buildings. Camps often included a cook's shanty, bunkhouse, filer's shed, blacksmith shop, and a barn.
panorama_08195B03_1983_7609_41B2_9702A8760219.subtitle = From 1882-1960, hundreds of children were taught at Sunnyview School in the Town of Washington. In addition to being a school, it was the hub of the community where events were held, county nurses vaccinated residents, WWII ration coupons were distributed, and mail was picked up when the roads were too dangerous for the mailman. It found a new home in Carson Park in 1963.
panorama_2D832880_D58A_7721_41E1_E326A645FDC5.subtitle = Getting logs down river was one of the most dangerous things a lumberjack could do. After the harvest, men hand selected by the forman would use boats, poles, and ingenuity to get the camp's logs to the sawmills.
panorama_CC2CFCFE_C718_A079_41E5_DFEA2A1A8790.subtitle = Horses were an important part of the logging team. Teamsters worked with the horses during the day, and barn boys made sure they were groomed and fed. The horses made $.75 a day for their owners and were treated well. The foreman kept the horses inside if the temperatures got too cold; the men did not get the same benefit.
panorama_CC861742_C708_6189_41DE_64772C0FE60B.subtitle = In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
panorama_CB96B133_C708_6188_419B_4B39D970E665.subtitle = In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
panorama_941E1C5A_9BCE_4A96_41C6_88E5E14F204D.subtitle = Lumber barons often went bankrupt many tiimes before becoming wealthy. As they moved across the country, they looked for ways to bring niceties from their cities back east with them. Many lumber barons funded building hospitals, parks, libraries, and theaters in the communities they settled in.
panorama_5BC1A85D_75F9_3DEC_41D2_64665B69A716.subtitle = Lumbering in the Chippewa Valley answers questions about life in the lumber camps. What did the men do if they got sick? How did the cook decide how much food to purchase for a winter in the woods? What did the men do for fun in the camp?
panorama_94E5D258_9BC6_DE93_41BC_610E3BAF1992.subtitle = Lumberjacks ate so much to keep themselves working and warm that you still find legendary Paul Bunyan Breakfasts in towns across America.
panorama_9518C114_9BC6_FA93_41A0_EF0F179B1BD8.subtitle = Lumberjacks told tales of many "creatures" in the woods - hugagas, hodags, tree squeeks, agropelters, axe hounds, and more kept people on their toes in the camps and in the woods.
panorama_9519C249_9BCD_DEF2_41D3_F3F7D2C50883.subtitle = Many of our books are available online if you want to check out what's available
panorama_CBC520FA_D910_AEE2_41E1_AF43694A3A07.subtitle = The Equipment Shed houses some of the larger equipment used in logging camps and tells more of the story about the different jobs that were necessary for the camp to run smoothly.
panorama_CAF18FE3_D910_92E1_41C9_3802EF6D97E2.subtitle = The Equipment Shed houses some of the larger equipment used in logging camps and tells more of the story about the different jobs that were necessary for the camp to run smoothly.
panorama_E8243F6B_D649_FB7D_41B1_67DEA297CBA6.subtitle = The Equipment Shed houses some of the larger equipment used in logging camps and tells more of the story about the different jobs that were necessary for the camp to run smoothly.
panorama_8EB64459_9C42_5A95_41C0_360E7AED9536.subtitle = The bunkhouse was not a comfortable room to sleep in. Men near the fire got very warm, men near the outside walls slept next to ice at times. The lice and fleas went wherever they wanted. This space was also where men did their personal grooming, hung up laundry, and spent time playing music and telling stories Saturday nights.
panorama_897EE984_9BC2_4A72_41D4_0C695DA9DC65.subtitle = The camp blacksmith was an essential member of the camp. In addition to making a variety of horse and oxen shoes to use for clearing logs, he would repair and create tools the cook might need.
panorama_8EECAECA_9C46_47F7_417D_8CFF0DFE0477.subtitle = The cook and cookie, his assistant, slept in the cook shanty. They had to be up way before the sun to prepare breakfast for the men, and they finished cleaning the supper dishes after the sun had set for the day.
panorama_8EB444AD_9C46_DBB2_41E0_58990F674D4B.subtitle = The cook and cookie, his assistant, slept in the cook shanty. They had to be up way before the sun to prepare breakfast for the men, and they finished cleaning the supper dishes after the sun had set for the day.
panorama_88A57CC9_9BC6_4BF2_41E2_EC165FFA89BE.subtitle = The hubbub of the camps brought men together to work. But they also needed food, medicine, and ways to relax. Each camp provided for its workers in unique ways.
panorama_946FFD12_9BC2_CA96_41D1_2DAC19FA5F0B.subtitle = Welcome to the Wisconsin Logging Museum.
panorama_8B939363_9BC6_BEB5_41E3_17A11634AA02.subtitle = Why is Babe blue? He was sad but it was more than that. During the winter of the blue snow, he fell into the water. Luckily Paul was there to pull him out, but it was so cold he never lost the blue hue.
### Title
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### Label
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Label_DD9F9558_E0AD_9FC0_41B2_C7B5B843F781.text = Welcome!
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### Multiline Text
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HTMLText_D4BDB5CD_5ABA_E91C_41A6_4C56410F96D9.html = Bateau
Men used boats like this to guide logs down the river in the spring. This boat was called a bateau because it was brought to America by French trappers in the early 1600s.
HTMLText_3EE8D2C6_459F_EB0C_41C2_2E43A846E47A.html = Camp Blacksmith
The camp blacksmith’s most important job was making horse and oxen shoes for the animals in the camp, including orthopedic shoes and items to help them traverse the mucky ground.
HTMLText_64FEFB43_7B96_7ADE_41D0_FA7327AD6B79.html = Daisy Mason
Daisy Mason taught in Eau Claire from 1933 to 1959. She taught in seven different school, but her first decade was spent at Sunnyview. This photo is circa 1936.
HTMLText_C2C23AD0_5A96_BB04_41CE_C9A57E59C8CC.html = Filer
The filer, nicknamed the camp dentist, was typically an older logger who could no longer work in the woods. filer sharpened one set of saws while the other set was used in the forest.
HTMLText_0237ACE1_2D25_67D0_41B9_D2CA1F6F8419.html = Horses
Horses were an important part of the logging team. Teamsters worked with the horses during the day, and barn boys made sure they were groomed and fed. The horses made $.75 a day for their owners and were treated well. The foreman kept the horses inside if the temperatures got too cold; the men did not get the same benefit.
HTMLText_64F7D693_7B96_8A7E_41D0_ACE4BF86CC31.html = House Move
The house was owned by the Anderson family from 1866 until 1976 when it was donated to the Chippewa Valley Museum. In 2001, it was moved to its present location.
HTMLText_64CC49A6_7BF9_99A6_41C8_29D8D167C5FA.html = Laundry Day
Washing clothes was an all-day event, so it did not happen often. Water had to be hauled and boiled. Clothing had to be scrubbed by hand, rinsed, and hung around the stove to dry.
HTMLText_6519B88E_7A9A_8669_415A_DB010E6BE1D9.html = Laundry Day
Washing clothes was an all-day event, so it did not happen often. Water had to be hauled and boiled. Clothing had to be scrubbed by hand, rinsed, and hung around the stove to dry.
HTMLText_64089534_7A7A_8EBA_41D3_0790DB3C9B80.html = Laundry Day
Washing clothes was an all-day event, so it did not happen often. Water had to be hauled and boiled. Clothing had to be scrubbed by hand, rinsed, and hung around the stove to dry.
HTMLText_77508536_2D25_26B3_41C1_5EBF0A896993.html = Laundry
Laundry was an all-day project for families in the late 1800s.
HTMLText_78E8C59D_2906_6CC3_417A_D4D687B2BAA8.html = Log Hammer
Each logging camp had their own symbol. These stamps were pounded into both ends of a log so when they came out of the river, it was easy to know how much to pay each camp.
HTMLText_1C297EE1_2906_1C43_41A7_19491CEE5AA9.html = Log Rolling
In the late 1800s, log rolling became a sport in the Midwest. The first four world log rolling champions were from Eau Claire, and native Wilber Marx held the title for ten years.
HTMLText_2F45285D_5A97_A73D_41D2_01B145A77EE6.html = McDonough Company
The McDonough Company began producing logging equipment in Eau Claire in 1888. They are still making sawmill equipment today.
HTMLText_27946973_5A99_D904_41A2_8C6682198048.html = Old Trees
It was common to cut down trees that were more than 300 years old and 200 feet tall. Only saplings when indigenous people lived on the land, they grew along with the expansion of Wisconsin.
HTMLText_23EB55BD_45A9_E97C_41C7_DE24EC1C8E7C.html = Oxen & Horses
Strong oxen were needed to pull the huge trees cut down in the early days of logging. Eventually, horses took their place; they could get in and out of the forests easier.
HTMLText_DDA6D63D_E0BD_9D40_41E6_A06D93170820.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_DDADC647_E0BD_9DC0_41B9_2AA62AA623B8.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_DF05C523_E064_BF40_41CB_14C7502D6437.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64F7D6D0_7B96_8BFA_41CC_F791CF347B9E.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_774A953E_2D25_26B3_419D_4F150FD62321.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_0F6F0004_2902_23C1_41A5_19F27ACDB039.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64F7D6C4_7B96_8BDA_41C8_B292824A2007.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_DDAE7651_E0BD_9DC0_41D8_ED29ACF884DF.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64F7D6B9_7B96_8BAA_41C6_599AC0157C00.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_0F514008_2902_23C1_41B3_30BF3520BFB5.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_777F854A_2D25_26D3_41C4_BEB913D99D2B.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_1C377EE5_2906_1C43_41B4_C71BAC3A8499.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64F7D6AE_7B96_8BA6_41CD_9EF95F36EE76.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_1C37EEE8_2906_1C41_41C3_05CF5D9965AD.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64F7D6A3_7B96_8A5E_41A4_E2A10CD99064.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_1C38AEEC_2906_1C41_415A_A6D59712B356.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_0F56200C_2902_23C1_41B7_B5FEE3FBBDCE.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_7892059F_2906_6CFF_419B_761DBC46DE26.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64F7D699_7B96_8A6A_41BA_CA0CFD621502.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_789525A3_2906_6CC7_41B4_B7CE980A335A.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_7775154F_2D25_26D1_41B7_61F79FCA7B4D.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64FEFB49_7B96_7AEA_41A5_1E7D5311367B.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64FEFB5E_7B96_7AE6_41C6_9A93AD6A960C.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_0241DCE3_2D25_67D0_41BF_3F30959460C9.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_7748D539_2D25_26B1_4167_7286C5499ADC.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64FEFB54_7B96_7AFA_41D7_D99D188E98C0.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64F2C153_7BAE_86FE_41B3_F637C405D474.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_0249ACEB_2D25_67D1_41C2_A297DAAC6B8B.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64F2C148_7BAE_86EA_41D9_2C2DB7688A57.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_04BD879B_2CEB_2270_418F_CC86C01C62DD.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64F2C13E_7BAE_86A6_4190_A30D407DCB82.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_04B927A1_2CEB_2250_41C5_65B222DA3418.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64F2C133_7BAE_86BE_41D4_DD60BE0C02C9.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_04A467A6_2CEB_2250_41B4_7038D995EB65.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64F2C15F_7BAE_86E6_41A1_FB1C2ABAD433.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_23D295C2_45A9_E904_41B2_E80E4C66FE7F.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64F2C128_7BAE_86AA_41C7_9C70F4E537BD.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_23DED5CC_45A9_E91C_41CA_A7336A596CED.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64FEFB69_7B96_7AAA_41D7_ED41E1486AB4.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_23D995D6_45A9_E90C_4195_C56FAAA93D14.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_3EE022CC_459F_EB1C_41A7_C830678A2D80.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B8CD_7A9A_87EB_41CC_5937E7248AE9.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_3EDA12D7_459F_EB0C_4194_9A548C81B9A3.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B8C2_7A9A_87D9_419D_0B77065F8ADA.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_3ED942E2_459F_EB04_41C8_F1C21FBB85F9.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64FEFB75_7B96_7ABA_41D6_15FDFE937821.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_279D895D_5A99_D93C_41C2_20188FAC0CB7.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B8B6_7A9A_87B9_41A9_155760ABB501.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_27992967_5A99_D90C_41C7_F79AA323B76E.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B8AA_7A9A_87A9_41D5_7B2BFA60EBDF.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_279BC971_5A99_D904_41D2_07A53E61C38A.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_7894E5A7_2906_6CCF_41A5_450EF1B9814D.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_02433CE7_2D25_67D0_41B9_6EDBE46103E7.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_2F414863_5A97_A705_41D3_0A10CFD90DFF.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B89F_7A9A_8667_41BC_E5DB58CC5DF1.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_2F7F786E_5A97_A71F_41CA_27FB09789C8E.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B894_7A9A_8679_41A0_DEC7FB7DC469.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_2F792879_5A97_A705_41CC_99FBCC6B4BA0.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64FEFB81_7B96_7A5A_41A2_902B049F3933.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64C786BB_7BF6_8BAE_41AA_F096160AA89D.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_D1D704B4_5AAA_AF03_4188_52571D7DB0F2.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_D1DDD4BD_5AAA_AF7C_41C1_96973938175F.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B889_7A9A_866B_41D2_45A8D777B9ED.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_D1DDC4C9_5AAA_AF04_41B9_3F11271387D5.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_7741D542_2D25_26D3_4191_437570F8B881.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_D4BF75D2_5ABA_E904_41B9_FF6E09DE8941.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B87D_7A9A_86AB_419B_730F1D47C5E7.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_D4BAD5DD_5ABA_E93C_41CD_BBBE690E4BD7.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B872_7A9A_86BE_41CE_342244C537E7.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_D4B395E7_5ABA_E90C_41CD_CFD0DC1A4A7A.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_7744D546_2D25_26D3_41C0_14B0278DBB71.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6408953C_7A7A_8EAA_41BE_F99150AA6F77.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_C16E1DDC_5AE9_B903_41D3_0FD66BC5040F.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B867_7A9A_86A6_41AC_0A0E6F05652C.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_C1704DE6_5AE9_B90F_41D1_0E62BE171A3B.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B85B_7A9A_86EE_41D5_141CEB5205DB.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_C171FDF1_5AE9_B905_41CA_C20F56E12DC8.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_D8D78214_5A9A_EB0C_41D3_89822FF014D4.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_976FF16B_88A7_318A_41C4_E119048B68EE.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B850_7A9A_86FA_41CB_CE6901F4D809.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_976EA176_88A7_319A_41C5_A293A5556171.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64C786CB_7BF6_8BEE_41D7_A36E64CC702A.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_97774180_88A7_3176_41A4_B5CF8615F26E.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64C786AB_7BF6_8BAE_41B1_F0ECB836335F.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_DC55DD81_5AF6_5904_41A3_4CBCF8C88200.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B846_7A9A_86E6_41BB_54ADBB228DA7.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_DC527D8C_5AF6_591C_41D0_C1FCA5219CCE.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B83A_7A9A_86AE_41C7_D99C55E8C1DA.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_DC505D96_5AF6_590C_41B9_2B104F83A506.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64D4C000_7BEA_865A_41B8_FF8AAA1C6A80.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_C2CC0AD6_5A96_BB0C_41C8_F58FA79D7909.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B830_7A9A_86BA_41C9_B7A6ABCA4527.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_C2CADAE0_5A96_BB04_41D0_30FDEF16D718.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B825_7A9A_865A_41D1_FEB2A786D338.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_C2C89AEA_5A96_BB04_4182_E7CF1900585F.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64C7869B_7BF6_8A6E_41D5_10418919ECD6.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_D8D56209_5A9A_EB04_41B7_F03C5AE24571.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B81A_7A9A_866E_41D8_03C16ABF8170.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64D4BFD4_7BEA_F9FA_41C1_FA099DBB9B70.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64CC49BC_7BF9_99AA_41CF_3B9594F9FDAB.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_D8C9B21F_5A9A_EB3C_41CC_E00A7FDE7D66.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64C7867B_7BF6_8AAE_41D5_4F0A35590461.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64D4BFEC_7BEA_F9AA_41CB_6FCEEABA8F83.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6519B810_7A9A_867A_41C6_D8BDE7A5814F.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6408954B_7A7A_8EEE_4188_71B2925CD3DB.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6409BB0C_7A7A_FA6A_41D2_F8C495B767EE.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6408955B_7A7A_8EEE_41B1_B6CD703CE352.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64C7868B_7BF6_8A6E_41D2_755E34B0177A.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6409BAF7_7A7A_FBA6_419E_46CB226F5741.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64D4BFA9_7BEA_F9AA_41CE_C28A600E058C.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_6409BB02_7A7A_FA5E_41C3_25896B55E821.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64CC49F5_7BF9_99BA_41B2_4F611F7609D1.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64D4BFB9_7BEA_F9AA_41BC_66E45F9793F1.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64CC49C6_7BF9_99E6_41D4_879875881273.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64CC49D7_7BF9_99E6_41D7_304959EFA603.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64CC49E8_7BF9_99AA_41C6_884822278926.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64D4BFC9_7BEA_F9EA_41D0_E58FB6BD0BEB.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_64CC49AC_7BF9_99AA_41D5_6620F46EE345.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
HTMLText_DE898A75_E0A5_B5C3_41D2_92D50285B75F.html = Phoenix Log Hauler
About 100 Phoenix log haulers were built in Eau Claire. The iron giant could haul as much lumber as ten teams of horses! Eventually, railroads made the Phoenix obsolete.
HTMLText_971B5165_88A7_31BE_41D8_FFC73D443805.html = Road Monkeys
A group of loggers called road monkeys worked at night. Their preparation of the roads at night ensured a smooth flow of logging activities during the day.
HTMLText_0F685002_2902_23C1_41BA_D74EE719524B.html = Saturday Night in the Bunkhouse
Saturday nights men stayed up late. Fiddles, harmonicas, and accordions could be heard at these gatherings. Tales were told about the larger-than-life Paul Bunyan.
HTMLText_D1D4D4AE_5AAA_AF1F_41B8_5B172982F61A.html = Sawmills
This graphic demonstrates the number of sawmills that were located in the Eau Claire area. Because there were so many mills here, Eau Claire was given the nickname Sawdust City.
HTMLText_64F2C123_7BAE_865E_41A6_63C54428280A.html = Scandinavian Notche
The Anderson cabin was built from trees cut along Big Elk Creek. The Scandinavian notche corner joints was characteristic of homes built by Norwegians in Canada
HTMLText_C168ADD6_5AE9_B90F_41AF_632E8C919CCA.html = Teamsters
Teamsters worked with horses; the horses earned $.75 a day and they were well cared for. If the temperature was too cold, the men went to the woods, but the horses stayed in the barn.
HTMLText_64D4BF98_7BEA_FA6A_41CB_FD2406767ABE.html = The Cook
The cook was up about 4 am to prepare breakfast, a mid-morning snack, a lunch, a mid-afternoon snack, and a dinner for the men and worked on Sundays. A good cook drew good workers
HTMLText_6519B80A_7A9A_866E_41D7_B9152A9D8E33.html = The Gabreel
The cook used this horn to signal to the men that it was time to eat. If the men were farther away, the cook took their food to them in a wagon.
HTMLText_6519B84B_7A9A_86EE_41CE_079CDDEF99B6.html = The Horn
The cook used this horn to signal to the men that it was time to eat. If the men were farther away, the cook took their food to them in a wagon.
HTMLText_64C78672_7BF6_8ABE_41D5_BCBA9F037C7A.html = The Horn
The cook used this horn to signal to the men that it was time to eat. If the men were farther away, the cook took their food to them in a wagon.
HTMLText_DC4A3D7C_5AF6_59FC_41C1_4485EB557768.html = The Jammer
The jammer was the most dangerous machine in the camp. The jammer was used to stack logs onto a sled to transport them to the river bank where they would be stored until spring.
HTMLText_64D4BFCD_7BEA_F9EA_41D3_748592B11342.html = Wanigan
In the wanigan, loggers could purchase shirts and toothbrushes and some leisure items like checkers or tobacco. Their purchases were deducted from their paychecks.
HTMLText_6409BAF2_7A7A_FBBE_41CA_D2BF7D93107A.html = Wanigan
In the wanigan, loggers could purchase shirts and toothbrushes and some leisure items like checkers or tobacco. Their purchases were deducted from their paychecks.
HTMLText_64C786A2_7BF6_8A5E_419F_8FEF604EE507.html = Wanigan
In the wanigan, loggers could purchase shirts and toothbrushes and some leisure items like checkers or tobacco. Their purchases were deducted from their paychecks.
HTMLText_64FEFB63_7B96_7ADE_41CF_8DD0E1A99CBA.html = Wanigan
In the wanigan, loggers could purchase shirts and toothbrushes and some leisure items like checkers or tobacco. Their purchases were deducted from their paychecks.
HTMLText_D8DE9202_5A9A_EB04_41B9_4BB2D4982230.html = Wanigan
In the wanigan, loggers could purchase shirts and toothbrushes and some leisure items like checkers or tobacco. Their purchases were deducted from their paychecks.
HTMLText_7745B543_2D25_26D1_41C3_D6357E83D45E.html = Wanigan
In the wanigan, loggers could purchase shirts and toothbrushes and some leisure items like checkers or tobacco. Their purchases were deducted from their paychecks.
HTMLText_6519B86C_7A9A_86AA_41D3_CD03A60B0F1A.html = Wanigan
In the wanigan, loggers could purchase shirts and toothbrushes and some leisure items like checkers or tobacco. Their purchases were deducted from their paychecks.
HTMLText_6519B8AF_7A9A_87A7_41D7_BD6759D91F35.html = Wanigan
In the wanigan, loggers could purchase shirts and toothbrushes and some leisure items like checkers or tobacco. Their purchases were deducted from their paychecks.
HTMLText_64F7D6B2_7B96_8BBE_41B9_F51A4F6981AD.html = Wanigan
In the wanigan, loggers could purchase shirts and toothbrushes and some leisure items like checkers or tobacco. Their purchases were deducted from their paychecks.
HTMLText_64CC49CB_7BF9_99EE_41C5_D92A340BBF1B.html = Wanigan
In the wanigan, loggers could purchase shirts and toothbrushes and some leisure items like checkers or tobacco. Their purchases were deducted from their paychecks.
HTMLText_64F2C142_7BAE_86DE_41D6_CF0D73A0A17E.html = Wanigan
In the wanigan, loggers could purchase shirts and toothbrushes and some leisure items like checkers or tobacco. Their purchases were deducted from their paychecks.
HTMLText_6519B829_7A9A_86AA_41D4_D95D3D72069F.html = Wanigan
In the wanigan, loggers could purchase shirts and toothbrushes and some leisure items like checkers or tobacco. Their purchases were deducted from their paychecks.
HTMLText_04C81796_2CEB_2270_4193_40A962EFA911.html = White Pine
White pine grew straight, was easy to work with, and was a sturdy wood for building materials. Most importantly, white pine is lighter than water so logs could float down the rivers.
HTMLText_DDBFD637_E0BD_9D40_41EC_031272F12271.html = Winslow and his medicine chest
Lumber camps were often far from hospitals and had no doctors on site. Imagine you’re miles from a doctor and your back aches from chopping trees all day. Eau Claire pharmacist George Winslow came up with a solution—the lumberjack’s medicine chest. These kits were filled with remedies for common injuries and ailments, like headaches, sore muscles, and maybe even a touch of arthritis.
Rumor had it the medicine was composed primarily of alcohol, so with the camps being alcohol-free, the medicines might have been consumed a bit more often than necessary.
HTMLText_64CC49C0_7BF9_99DA_41CF_B148A70454A4.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64D4BFBD_7BEA_F9AA_41D3_C56DF6E3E7CB.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64CC49DC_7BF9_99EA_41D7_FF9ABE034463.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64D4BFAD_7BEA_F9AA_41D6_FAFCE21F6884.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64CC49ED_7BF9_99AA_4193_A09A0533CDAA.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6409BB06_7A7A_FA66_41CC_8709A6FE5AE7.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64089552_7A7A_8EFE_41A5_132DCA70743D.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64089543_7A7A_8EDE_41BF_5935984886EA.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6519B814_7A9A_867A_41D8_A22A30D872BA.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_D8D5220E_5A9A_EB1C_4165_F251195D0209.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6519B81F_7A9A_8666_41BF_A4240F4DCF16.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_C2C95AE4_5A96_BB0C_415D_2456EF4D7736.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64D4BFF2_7BEA_F9BE_41D8_C6CEC56ECEA8.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_C2CC0ADA_5A96_BB04_41C7_061690BB1797.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6519B834_7A9A_86BA_41C6_B8CD6A946657.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_DC509D90_5AF6_5904_41C2_600C400F0DBF.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6519B83F_7A9A_86A6_41C6_F541C651742A.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_DC540D86_5AF6_590C_41CE_210A3B0CA138.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_9774E17A_88A7_318A_41D8_6463FCAEE4B2.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_9771E170_88A7_3196_41D4_B84ED391E87D.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64CC49B0_7BF9_99BA_41D1_CF4EB1F345B9.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_C1712DEA_5AE9_B907_41CA_353102B995C0.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6519B85F_7A9A_86E6_417B_4B0D4126FBCC.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64D4BFDE_7BEA_F9E6_41D2_6E77A16F4F12.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64C78682_7BF6_8A5E_41D3_76903EADCFEA.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_D4B085E1_5ABA_E904_41AD_8EE2D8212AB8.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64C78692_7BF6_8A7E_41AC_A83B184D49AD.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_D4BA35D7_5ABA_E90C_41BD_EC49A47B7B67.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6519B882_7A9A_8659_41AE_A56349585ABE.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_C16E0DE0_5AE9_B903_41D2_3AB5CC9E000A.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_D1D3A4B7_5AAA_AF0C_41B7_3F97809B8AAD.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64C786C2_7BF6_8BDE_4154_0643F47AC81F.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6519B899_7A9A_866B_41D5_533CA62C71C0.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_2F41E868_5A97_A703_41C5_E3C3961655D5.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6519B8A4_7A9A_8659_41A2_20F49F610B27.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_279AA96B_5A99_D904_418F_D88B68EBE543.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64C786B2_7BF6_8BBE_41A1_25A8EDFC192F.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_279D4961_5A99_D904_41C9_4694CFBDC7FF.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6519B8BB_7A9A_87AF_41D6_9C496E6FC9A8.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_3EDA12DC_459F_EB3C_41B8_C7DFF4DB797F.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6519B8C7_7A9A_87E7_419A_113DDE0560C3.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_3EDB62D1_459F_EB04_41C8_C1702FDCC3B4.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_23D8B5D0_45A9_E904_41D0_71EDD3966B59.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_23D2B5C7_45A9_E90C_41B9_682392D1CDE7.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64F2C12D_7BAE_86AA_41C8_F1CDBF4061F1.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_04A617A3_2CEB_2250_41BE_53FFEC661B4A.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64F2C137_7BAE_86A6_41D0_D2B06FD62202.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_04BC179D_2CEB_2270_4178_4208D70CFC16.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6519B855_7A9A_86FA_41A7_3F8B05110A55.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6519B876_7A9A_86A6_41A9_613E5BBDB624.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64F2C14D_7BAE_86EA_41C0_D913C6FC93CC.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_02449CE9_2D25_67D1_418D_B7BA23DB874B.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64F2C157_7BAE_86E6_41C1_18D6CC78CE68.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_0241ECE5_2D25_67D1_41B5_025369CF1DC8.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_789735A4_2906_6CC1_41B2_264FA253D119.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_78EDB5A1_2906_6CC3_41B1_5D9D61899FAA.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64F7D69D_7B96_8A6A_41C4_F5F50C6F3146.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_1C303EEA_2906_1C41_41C3_7622C42E4A23.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64F7D6A8_7B96_8BAA_41CF_FE9C9868D1B6.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_1C314EE6_2906_1C41_41C0_C7E44E5B6FF0.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_D1D374C2_5AAA_AF04_41B8_470E5A28FB1C.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_0F54200A_2902_23C1_41AD_3E98BC599C96.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64F7D6BD_7B96_8BAA_41C7_30CC9AD1EE9C.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_0F6FE006_2902_23C1_41B6_18377D66698A.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64F7D6C9_7B96_8BEA_4179_FA1EE29B8039.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_DDAF464B_E0BD_9DC0_41D2_848E57F0F36A.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_DDA68641_E0BD_9DC0_41EC_2AA421EA6EAB.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_2F791872_5A97_A707_41CD_AB0BCC75EDF0.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_7748053B_2D25_26B1_41B8_B1698B080559.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_DCAAA131_E1ED_F743_41C5_7A3F37FB98AE.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_774FC53F_2D25_26B1_41C5_1B415CE43F5F.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_D8D67218_5A9A_EB04_41D0_873DF7FD0441.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_6409BAFB_7A7A_FBAE_41C7_D32A6C6D2DAF.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64FEFB7A_7B96_7AAE_41C2_2B44C04915BF.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_77466548_2D25_26DF_417B_48F4601D1151.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64FEFB4E_7B96_7AE6_41D3_AC9A9B582B4B.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_777B654C_2D25_26D7_418C_0C960BC835D8.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64FEFB6F_7B96_7AA6_4184_0F97B9672D05.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_64FEFB58_7B96_7AEA_41D0_0EBEA9F05CB4.html = Wisconsin Logging Museum
In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s logging camp. He designed it, the city of Eau Claire agreed to house it in Carson Park as a WPA project, the Eau Claire Kiwanis Club added financing, and Dr. Mitchell provided logs from his farm. By 1935 it was up and running. It was moved to its present location in the mid-1980s.
HTMLText_62C3A291_2D3F_E271_41C0_BE88B90F446B.html = Make sure you enter the correct door, boys on the left and girls on the right.
HTMLText_42926150_2D6D_1ECF_41AC_5E6B5B44E832.html = The men did not go hungry in the camp. They averaged about 8000 calories a day. Tha's a lot for a man who was about 5'4" and weighed 150 pounds!
HTMLText_3824CC35_28B4_5833_4181_1EC689ADAC61.html = Welcome to the Chippewa Valley Museum. We encourage you to visit in person when we re-open for business. Click here for Admission Prices.
HTMLText_753E63A4_2D27_6250_41C0_1C5F3419583E.html = Laundry was an all-day project for families in the late 1800s.
HTMLText_6783F7CF_291E_2C5F_41B6_0BC48FB46B1D.html = Many different nationalities and ages were represented in the camps. The “average” logger was 5’4” and weighed about 145 pounds.
HTMLText_607902A6_2D25_E253_41A7_1B8148D432C8.html = Many families brought family possessions, including spinning wheels, with them when they immigrated. They became family heirlooms passed down from generation to generation.
HTMLText_D223839C_E0A5_9B40_41E0_EFB260B4EA1D.html = Many of our books are available online if you want to check out the specific titles.
HTMLText_A99FE099_2D7D_1E71_4184_FD4AFF38ED10.html = Mark Wyman sums up logging’s effect on the land: “The landscape which supported no trees beyond a few inches in diameter. . . sudden flows caused year-round river levels to fall. . . . white pine blister rust attacked the younger trees . . . no force since the glaciers has rivaled northern logging.”
HTMLText_64070923_7A77_865E_41B3_330CAC7829D2.html = These lanterns were handy in the winter because it was dark when the men left camp and dark when they returned. They hung in the trees providing more light than a single flame.
HTMLText_7C7A7D19_2D25_6670_419E_0040CFF4FD82.html = This house may look small to us today, but the tongue and groove floors, full loft with its own staircase, indoor stove, and two bedrooms made this a substantial home in 1866.
HTMLText_DD9ED559_E0AD_9FC0_41D9_4BA365792A40.html = Welcome to the Wisconsin Logging Museum. If you visit in person, you can put a pin on the map, so we can see where all our visitors come from each year.
HTMLText_C23922FE_DD97_B61B_41CF_5D07860C97FF.html = People of the Chippewa Valley, 1860-1870
The "People Wall" features 64 individuals who lived in the Chippewa Valley during the lumber boom years. Featured is a page from the People Wall booklet. The booklet shows birthplace, occupation, and whether or not the people stayed in the Chippewa Valley all of their lives.
### Tooltip
IconButton_F441CF0C_E6D1_9427_41B5_6834ABD1E02B.toolTip = Full Screen
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IconButton_31DB0D64_294C_5850_41A1_D5C8CC272DB4.toolTip = Show/Hide Description
## Tour
### Description
tour.description = In 1933, Dr. Roy E. Mitchell came up with an idea to preserve Eau Claire's lumber history. He had a passion to build a place for visitors to experience an 1890s
### Title
tour.name = 24 02 Wisconsin Logging Museum